Awards: Cliffhanger Receives Commendation by Australian Institute of Architecture


We are honoured to be recognised by the Australian Institute of Architecture (AIA) for Cliffhanger.

Cliffhanger has been awarded a commendation by the Australian Institute of Architecture Awards, and is now shortlisted for the 2023 Queensland State Awards. We would like to thank the AIA, the Mayor, the Judges, the builders, and our wonderful client who came along this journey with us.

Australian Institute of Architecture (AIA) Awards Cliffhanger Joe Adsett

With unrivalled views of the expansive landscape, Cliffhanger seamlessly connects a masculine edge with soft material choices.

Australian Institute of Architecture (AIA) Awards Cliffhanger Joe Adsett
Australian Institute of Architecture (AIA) Awards Cliffhanger Joe Adsett

Situated on an expansive, grassed sloping site, the form of the building is overwhelmingly comprised of off-form concrete and masonry construction. The composition of the house is deceivingly simple. In essence, the building exists as a folded concrete shell, balanced carefully upon blockwork foundations that anchor into the sloping topography below. The cantilever of the folded concrete element is further dramatized by the angled natural.

The design features an impressive 6.5 metre concrete cantilever and full-height glazing along entire eastern façade, to embrace the panoramic views from the crest of the Great Dividing Range.

Learn more about Cliffhanger here: here


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